Rethinking Reform. Towards a New Understanding of Religious Change, 900-1150

International Conference, Ghent University

24-25 May, 2019

The conference is the concluding activity of a larger international project titled Rethinking Reform 900-1150: Conceptualising Change in Medieval Religious Institutions, funded by the Leverhulme Trust. Its objective is threefold. One is to draw conclusions from the previous activities of the project and identify promising inroads for future enquiry on reform in the high Middle Ages. A second is to establish, by means of a collective effort, a cohesive account of the current state of the art in reform studies for the period between c. 900 and 1150. And a third is to present draft versions of chapters dealing with the above questions for a forthcoming, paradigm-changing volume provisionally titled Reform in the High Middle Ages (900-1150).

The project Rethinking Reform 900-1150: Conceptualising Change in Medieval Religious Institutions brings together scholars and research students from across Europe to focus on how changes in medieval churches were understood and explained in their own day and on how they have been reinterpreted in post-Reformation and especially post-Napoleonic historical writing.The project is co-ordinated by the University of Leeds (UK), with partners from UEA, Paris VIII, Mainz, KU Leuven, Ghent and Durham. For more information on the project, see




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